It doen't really matter how, but art (and photography included) is all about expression, Isn't it?
Take for example the wonderful work of Keith Haringthat was able to use his art (drawing and scalptures) to explore it as a language, a sign language.
What do I mean language?
One you can look at, and find yourself analyzing it in your own set of conceptions.
If you're American, British, Brazilian, or anywhere else on our planet.
Every calture, any age. We can all see this abstract animated figures and attach feelings, explantions, scenes and identify. Not all of us see it the same way, but we can all understand it.
Isn't that waht art is suppose to do?
make us think, chalange us to ask ourselves how do we feel about what we see? Translate our vision to feelings.
Every little thing can be expressive. But, do we all try to express something with our work?
When you see a picture of a red flower sparklling in the morning sun, is this expressive?It is mostly beautiful to look at, but it can also be very expressive.
It's a matter of presentation and the artist approach to taking the picture. Making us see the scene like a dream, transfering the "early morning" feeling, can make us appreciate this beauty that is all around us and we don't take the time to look at it.That's expression!
If a picture can make us look differently at the world, isn't it expressive?It's all a matter of what we are trying to show.Of our intentions while taking the pgotograph. I don't care what kind of a camera you have, If you thought we all want to see your dog, or your dinner.Put some creative effort into your work.
I don't care about technique, only intentions and resault.If you wanted to show the connection between a father and a son, how do you do that?Is taking a picture of an old man and a younger one good? Is it creative? will it chalange people to think? to feel? Mybe...But if you use symbols (like Haring does) and chalnge the viewer to understand, and feel - you made art. Don't get me wrong, It still can be bad art, but It's art, and a very good start.
What do you think?
Wrote by Gilad on